Blog: SECBE Awards 2022 finalist - Baxall Construction (Health, Safety & Wellbeing)

11 April 2022

Health, Safety & Wellbeing sponsored by VolkerWessels UK

Baxall Construction 

Health, Safety & Wellbeing Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards 2022 finalist

Baxall, proudly maintains an exemplary health and safety record - well below the industry average - and take a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to poor health and safety practice throughout its business operations/wider supply chain. The team lives and breathes its strapline ‘Buildings Built on Teamwork’ and this translates into a collaborative culture of persistently striving for improvement.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is one of the greatest challenges Baxall has ever faced. From the pandemic’s direct impact on health, safety and wellbeing, to its indirect impact on mental health and stress levels, the last two years have brought unprecedented and unforeseen challenges.

Despite these challenges, Baxall has continued to thrive. As an agile and forward-thinking SME they have successfully navigated the uncertainties of COVID, from seamlessly embracing remote working (thanks to our robust and cloud-based IT systems) and maintaining strict social distancing (via centralised workplace planners), to initiating a COVID Working Group to meeting weekly to review/share best practice across the business and supply chain.

As testimony to the exemplary ways in which we have mitigated the impact of COVID, Baxall received the following outstanding feedback from the Health and Safety Executive in 2021 regarding its health and safety workplace measures:

“Baxall clearly understand the importance of health and safety and are, without question, COVID secure on site and office, and undoubtedly leading the way in supporting staff and supply chain. Keep up the excellent work.”

Furthermore, by recognising and addressing COVID’s indirect toll upon mental wellbeing, Baxall proactively raised awareness of positive mental health across the company and reduced any stigma attached. Baxall trained (voluntary) ‘Mental Health Champions’ (from all levels of the business) as a first point of contact for anyone seeking help for themselves/a colleague. The company currently has 13 members of staff (out of 76 total) trained by Mental Health England to be Mental Health First Aiders with 8 additions due to be trained shortly. Alongside this, 85% of employees have completed the half-day Mental Health Awareness training (with training in the immediate pipeline for remaining staff).

Roy McDonald, Mental Health First Aid Instructor, commented:

“As a MHFA England instructor I see the negative impact that mental health issues can have in the workplace – especially within the construction industry. I’m heartened to see Baxall are committed to taking the mental health and wellbeing seriously. It was also refreshing to see senior directors and MD, Malcolm Clarke, also complete the course on mental health awareness. Evidence suggests that if managers/directors have knowledge about mental health challenges, employees are more willing to open up and talk to someone about their issues. I wished there were more forward-thinking companies like Baxall.” 

Despite the innumerable changes brought about by the pandemic Baxall has safely delivered all its projects on time, increased turnover, profitability and headcount - while maintaining exemplary standards of health and safety:

• Zero Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) in 2020 and 2021 total of 381,671-man hours worked on all projects
• 97% company average Health and Safety Inspection Scores on reports in 2021

Key achievements:

  • Ongoing exemplary feedback from the HSE
    Regarding Baxall’s overall health and safety (and COVID-specific) workplace measures.

  • Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA)
    Baxall currently has 13 members of staff (out of 76 total) who are Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA), trained by Mental England. Alongside this, 85% of Baxall employees are Mental Health Aware (with additional Mental Health Aware training in the immediate pipeline for our remaining 15% of staff).

  • Proactive approach to COVID

    Despite the innumerable challenges and changes brought about by the pandemic, Baxall's business has remained largely unaffected by COVID. They have recruited 24 members of staff since the start of the pandemic and have safely delivered all projects on time while increasing turnover and profitability. In the true spirit of Baxall’s strapline ‘Buildings Built on Teamwork’ the company works collaboratively to adhere to all COVID rules and share best workplace practice (in office and on sites) - all while maintaining our usual exemplary standards of health and safety throughout (zero AFR in 2020 and 2021). Average H&S score on reports in 2021: 97%.

Client: Gravesend Grammar School for Boys

Partners: Coach Forever Limited - Mental Health First Aider Instructor, All Health Matters, Lighthouse Club

Find out who wins at the Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards 2022 Ceremony on Thurs 30th June 2022.

About the Health, Safety & Wellbeing Award (sponsored by VolkerWessels UK): 

Health, Safety & Wellbeing is of paramount importance and a culture of ‘safety first’ is crucial to performance. Overarching health and safety risk management systems and effective health initiatives are fundamental to reducing or eliminating all types of incident and promoting health and well–being across the supply chain. More info

>> Find out more about the other Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards finalists here

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